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Since the 1920's, the Federal Reserve has been slowly and diligently destroying the American dollar. Thus far, the value of the dollar has dropped 95% with no stopping of the drop in sight. There are many reasons for this and this article will cover a few of the reasons, how we can stop the Federal Reserve and how you can secure your financial future so this horrible tragedy will not affect you or your family.
Not many Americans are aware of the fact that the Federal Reserve Bank is a privately held bank that has made a deal with our government to run the national economy. With a name like "Federal Reserve Bank", one would automatically believe that it is a government entity and is excluded from audits.
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This isn't the case with the Federal Reserve Bank. Being that it is a privately held bank, and not a government entity, it is open to all transparency laws that any other bank has to abide by. Why is the government protecting the Reserve? As long as they have their secrecy and government protection in place, they can adjust the interest rates and inflation as they see fit to line their own, and some elected officials, pockets with tremendous wealth.
Presidential hopeful Ron Paul has presented a Bill to congress which will require the Federal Reserve to open up their books and allow an independent audit.This Bill is name the HR1207 and amendment S604 and has received a tremendously large support group of elected officials. The Bill and Amendment is close to being law but is still receiving much criticism from many different areas.
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The critics of the Bill and Amendment want to keep the Federal Reserve's books closed so the secrecy will remain intact and they can continue reaping the benefits of destroying the American dollar. Once the dollar is completely destroyed, some believe that governments all across the world will present a World Currency.
The dollar will just be a memory at that point and the World Government will then control the economic conditions all across the entire Earth. If HR1207 is stopped before it has a chance to go into law, all hopes for the American dollar are destroyed. This chance is very feasible considering the powers that are involved with it. What can Americans do to protect themselves from this possibility?
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Investing money into precious metals, such as gold and silver is a good start. Gold is by far the most stable of all precious metals throughout the world. The value of Gold will be the same anywhere. As the dollar goes down, history has proven that the value of Gold has gone up. Just as the kingdoms of old, having a stockpile of Gold in your personal possession will ensure your financial stability through these troubling times.
After the recession hit with some authority in late 2007, I had a good feeling it would last for some time and I was right. I knew a few people that actually worked from home for their living and loved it. That is when I found the guts to surpass the traditional employment method and become self-employed. Visit link to see the two recession-proof home businesses I chose.
Re: “... the value of the dollar has dropped 95% with no stopping of the drop in sight.”
If the stated value, of “Federal” Reserve notes, declines enough with respect to copper and nickel, the 1946-2009 U.S. Mint nickels, composed of cupronickel alloy, could become somewhat rare in mass circulation.
The April 20th metal value of these nickels is “$0.0626539” or 125.3% of face value, according to the “United States Circulating Coinage Intrinsic Value Table” available at Coinflation.com.
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